All Because Two People Fell in Love

John and I met at Texas Tech University in 2004 and we just clicked; he is by far the best thing that ever happened to me. We married in April 2010 and began praying faithfully that God would one day answer our prayers and would bless us with the opportunity of expanding our family. For the last 8+ years, it has been John, Jackson (our lab) and myself but we knew we wanted more. After years of "experiencing" life we decided it was time ..... Now, several months later we are expecting our first little one aka BEAN! We are beyond overjoyed and feel very blessed. This blog is to share the little moments as well as the big ones with our family and friends.

20 Week Appointment and Update

Well, I cannot believe that we are already 20+ weeks and that we are having a GIRL. We are both still surprised and so excited.


  • Obviously, you can see from the photos I have popped.
  • John officially felt the baby move on March 19th. It was such an amazing experience for us both to share. 
  • We purchased the nursery furniture- photos to come.
  • Registered- who knew you needed so much for such a little person.

20 Week Appointment

We met with the ultrasound tech first and were amazed to not only find out that we were having a GIRL but we were able to see her hands and feet and every little detail possible. Seeing her on the screen never gets old. 

After meeting with the ultrasound tech we met with the OBGYN. She informed us that everything looked good but there were a few things we needed to discuss. It seems as though Beanette is a little on the large size, already measuring over 12 ounces and long in length (no surprise there). The OBGYN is going to keep a close eye on her size and may decide to take her early to keep her from being too big. Seems a little crazy that she would be that big considering I was 5+ pounds and John was 7+ pounds, but we will see. The OBGYN also said that the tech found a small bright spot on her heart during the ultrasound. Said that the technical term is called Echogenic Intracardiac Focus and is often referred to as a soft marker for Down Syndrome. She did not seemed concerned since all the other chromosomal testing came back negative but did let us know that the percentage of the baby having Down Syndrome increased by 1.5 percent. John knowing that I was one mouse click away from some serious research continued to ask the doctor for reassurance, which came in numbers. Our percentage went from 1/10,000 to 1/7,500. We know that the Lord is looking after her and that no matter what, he will never give us more than we can handle. We continue to pray that she is healthy and strong and knows how loved she already is.

Many of you have asked what her name will be and we are still working on it. We will share once we have officially picked one.

We are headed back to Texas in April and can't wait but before that we go back for our 24 week appointment- the best is yet to come! 

Until next time....


One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Aw Honey. Mom had mentioned to me about your appointment update. We will defintiely keep you, john and Baby Brooklyn in our prayers for nothing but healthy updates. The lord doesn't give us anythnig we can't handle. No matter what you two are going to be Amazing Parents. right now at the beginning it's just a number to watch out for ;)

    Love eager cousins
    The future Minnix's

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