All Because Two People Fell in Love

John and I met at Texas Tech University in 2004 and we just clicked; he is by far the best thing that ever happened to me. We married in April 2010 and began praying faithfully that God would one day answer our prayers and would bless us with the opportunity of expanding our family. For the last 8+ years, it has been John, Jackson (our lab) and myself but we knew we wanted more. After years of "experiencing" life we decided it was time ..... Now, several months later we are expecting our first little one aka BEAN! We are beyond overjoyed and feel very blessed. This blog is to share the little moments as well as the big ones with our family and friends.

38 Week Apointment and Update

Eeeeeeekkkkkkk! We are less than two weeks away from meeting our little girl.....we cannot wait!

We went to the doctor on Wednesday and she confirmed that we are still on track and that Brooklyn's head is still extremely low, we are officially 1 cm dilated, 25% effaced and she reiterated that she thought it would be any day. Just in case Brooklyn decides to be a typical girl and arrive late, they will schedule induction for either August 14th, 15th or 16th (date to still be determined). We head back to the doctor for another check on Tuesday so we will keep everyone posted.... Counting down the days!


One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Lindsey and John,
    What a wonderful journal for Brooklyn to have through her life. You both look so happy and I know that you are beyond ready for her to arrive.

    Joy, Peace and Love to both of you,Brooklyn Grace and Jackson.
    Em and Fred Peace

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